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Unlocking Wisdom: Gayatri Mantra Yoga Workshop with Alan, Mona and Sarah

Early Bird, $60 / Regular Rate, $70

In-studio (limited spots!) and Online

ISHTA Community Event to follow, 6 - 6:30 pm!

Immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of the Rig Vedas with this transformative Gayatri Mantra Yoga Workshop. Delve into the sacred sounds that have resonated through millennia, encapsulating the essence of yoga and Tantra. The Gayatri mantra, originating from the Rig Vedas, is more than just a chant; it's a pathway to profound understanding. Dedicated to the Vedic deity Savitri, this mantra is believed to channel the wisdom of the original Rishis, tapping into superhuman intelligence.

In this workshop, we'll explore the significance of the Gayatri through yoga asana, kriya, mudras, yantra (sacred geometry), and Yoga Nidra. Guided by ISHTA Masters and co-owners, Alan Finger, Mona Anand, and Sarah Platt-Finger, you'll learn how to integrate the Gayatri Mantra into your daily practice to radiate the light of knowledge and wisdom into every aspect of your living. Join us on the weekend of the Summer Solstice as we harness the magnetic forces of prana and tejas to elevate your life experience.

Sunday, June 23, 4 - 6 pm.