ISHTA co-owners Mona Anand, Alan Finger, and Sarah Finger.

Welcome to ISHTA!

At ISHTA, we are less about “arriving” somewhere through our yoga practice than we are about “coming home” to the perfection we already are. We offer both IN STUDIO and ONLINE class options that meet you at whatever level you are at in your journey, from absolute beginner to decades-long practitioner. And with ISHTA U's continuing education programs, we offer immersion trainings, workshops, and specialty courses to deepen your experience of this timeless wisdom.

Click here for our IN STUDIO and ONLINE class schedule.

Click here for our ON DEMAND class schedule.

***Upcoming ISHTA 200 and 300 Hour Teacher Trainings in 2024-2025

***Upcoming ISHTA 200 and 300 Hour Teacher Trainings in 2024-2025

200 Hour Training Dates:

September 24 + 27-29, 2024 * October 29 + November 1-3, 2024 * December 3 + 6-8, 2024 * January 7 + 10-12, 2025 * Feb 4 + 7-10, 2025 * March 4 + 7-9, 2025

300 Hour Training Dates:

Sept 10 + 13-15, 2024 (Physical Body II: Arm balances, backbends, lateral flexion, resting poses & more) * Oct 4-7, 2024 (Art of Touch I) * Oct 10-13, 2024 (Art of Touch II) Pre-requisite Art of Touch I * Nov 12 + 15-17, 2024 (Philosophy & Subtle Body II: Tantra & Meditation)

Trainings, Workshops, & Events

  • Unwind / Rewind - Yin Your Yoga with Ulrica Norberg

    IN STUDIO, July 28, 12:35 - 2 pm

    A rare chance for those in the New York area to practice with ISHTA Yogiraj Ulrica Norberg, this masterclass on the art of tension release will enhance circulation for greater health on all levels of your being! In this class, we will gently move through the body in a graceful and meditative way to connect to our inner power. You will deepen your practice through shedding tension pose by pose, breath by breath. In-studio.

  • Tantra of the Yoga Sutras Course with Wendy Newton

    Online, July 28, 1 - 5 pm

    Module 3 is up next, Sadhana Pada. Wendy spent six years working closely with Alan Finger on Tantra of the Yoga Sutras, an interpretation of the Yoga Sutras that is accessible to contemporary practitioners of yoga and resonant resonant with the tantric underpinnings of ISHTA Yoga. The new Tantra of the Yoga Sutras course will be offered in six modules. up next

  • Restorative / Yoga Nidra Workshop for Pitta Condition with Mona Anand

    August 15, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

    This workshop filled with yummy restorative poses, cooling pranayama, relaxing visuals, healing sound and a deliciously long yoga nidra will help you release excess heat and surrender into a deep state of relaxation. In-studio and Online. Registration opens Monday!

  • Yin Your Yoga - Yin Yoga Training with Ulrica Norberg

    Online, August 16 - 18

    A three day training delving into the practice of ISHTA Yin Yoga. Learn the art of tension release within your systems - to enhance circulation for greater health on all levels.

    This 20 hour training will include an in depth exploration into the practice of yin yoga, and how yin can be a great therapeutic tool to destress the nervous system, a fantastic way to sharpen the mind, calm your senses, reactivate the systems, and ease smoothly into breathwork and meditation.

  • ISHTA Yoga Immersion: The Pillars of ISHTA

    Take in your own time!

    Have you ever wanted to dive deeper into the philosophy and practice of yoga but haven’t been up for the commitment of a full 200 Hour teacher training program? Or have you taken a 200 Hour training elsewhere and are thinking about a 300 Hour Training with ISHTA? Or have you already trained but are feeling the need for a refresher on the pillars of an ISHTA practice? In any case, this 30 hour recorded training on the Foundations of ISHTA Yoga is for you!

    Please email for more information!

  • 200 Hour Immersion/Teacher Training

    Save $1000 on our fall training if you register before July 24th!

    Yoga Alliance certified 200-Hour teacher training program is designed to deepen your understanding of the science of yoga. Home base in NYC and running in Berlin, Germany. Runs online and in-studio at each location.

    Please contact or with questions and to sign up.

  • 300 Hour Immersion/Teacher Training

    Next entry point: The Physical Body II module (Arm balances, backbends, lateral flexion, resting poses & more) Sept 10 + 13-15

    For 200 Hour graduates who wish to become an ISHTA 500-hour trained teacher, our 300 hour training is broken down into six weekends covering three areas of study – The Physical Body, The Art of Touch, and Philosophy & the Subtle Body.

    Contact or with questions and to sign up.

  • Teacher Training Info Sessions

    FREE information sessions about our upcoming Teacher Training with ISHTA co-owner and Teacher Training Director Mona Anand.

    ISHTA is here to support your learning with experience and skill that make a difference. And while we are committed to and believe in the importance of in-person learning, we have online and recording options available that allow you to learn with us from anywhere in the world!

    Watch here for updates about our next FREE info session!

ISHTA co-owner and Teacher Training director Mona Anand and ISHTA co-owner and founder Alan Finger


ISHTA is a world renowned yoga school steeped in the teachings of an ancient lineage. ISHTA U offers teacher training, continuing ed courses, immers-ions, and workshops. Whether you plan to make a career out of teaching or are simply looking to deepen your practice, ISHTA teaches you how to bring yoga into your daily life.

  • ISHTA’s Yoga Alliance Certified 200 hour & 300 hour Teacher Trainings are designed to deepen your understanding of the science of yoga.

    • Asana- in depth posture labs

    • Meditation

    • Anatomy and physiology

    • ISHTA Yoga philosophy

    • Pranayama

    • The subtle body (chakras, herekriyas, mantra)

    Learn more about our 200 Hour and 300 Hour teacher training programs

  • ISHTA’s Specialty Courses are designed for both for students and teachers interested in deepening their understanding of a specific branch of the yoga teachings.

    Courses include meditation, yoga nidra, restorative, chakras, koshas and more.

    Learn about all of our Specialty Training offerings here.

  • ISHTA offers both experiential and educational workshops for both teachers and students.

    Topics include: yoga nidra, restorative, yoga sutras, bhagavad gita, marma, thai massage, and yin.

    Workshop updates here.

Experience a taste of ISHTA Yoga, meditation, and breath work with ISHTA Online