Helen Jansson
Helen was introduced to ISHTA in 2015 since then been a devoted student. In 2019 she was initiated Sadhaka by her Mentor Yogiraj Katrina Repka, she has a deeper understanding of the ayurvedic tools as Ayurvedic Yoga & Health Advisor (2014), has a passion for yinyoga where the facia and nervous system meet in an interesting web (2015), launched her AYurveda YOga App in 2018 and 2022 she graduated the Teacher Training Yoga for and with your dog.
Certifications: YOGA – E-RYT 500 & YACEP
ISHTA – through an integration of hatha, tantra and ayurveda ISHTA offers the possibility to reach the highest wellbeing for the individual. (Bridge, TT 300h, Yoga Nidra and the chakras, Hatha and the chakras, Restorative, Meditation deep dive, Marma Theraphy – diplomas)
YIN – a focus lies on the yin parts of the body such as the myo-fascia, fascia, ligaments, inner organs and the meridians/nadis. The positions that are held for several minutes while using kriya, pranayama techniques. No exstensive stretches but relaxation and letting go. (200h yinyoga and chinese medicine –diploma) Yinyoga for Athletes (YYFA – diploma)
Virya – dynamic form in ten modules, the main idea is that yoga gives a methodical and joyful way to strength and happiness in body mind. Biomechanics is an important component. (TT 200h, ayurvedic dosha yoga 40h, practical anatomy & biomechanics – diploma)
Hundsteg – yoga with and for your dog, including asanas, acupressure and massage techniques (Teacher Training – diploma)
AYURVEDA – Health Advisor
Ayurveda Modul 1-3 – ”ayurveda in your every day life” gives basic concrete advice as well as an understanding for the dosha qulaities and the possible ways you can prevent illness. (Human Health - diploma)
Ayurveda Modul 4-10 – ”ayurvedic in depth knowledge” gives a theoretical knowledge for how body, mind and soul are connected in the ayurvedic sience. Philosophy, anatomy, body tissues, agni, medicine, herbs, but also practical knowledge in reading of different pulses, consultations, and much more. Examination via both theoretical tests and several client consultations. (Human Health - diploma)
Ayurvedic Dosha Yoga - yoga programs based on each dosha (kapha, pitta and vata) together with the Ayurvedic Dr aspects on how your doshas are affected by lifestyle and how they can vary depending on what stage you are in in life. (Nordic Yoga - diploma)
Self Marma Theraphy – ISHTA Marma is based on traditional ayurvedic wisdom and reduces stress in muscles, tissues, fascia and vital points in your body. (ISHTA - diploma)
Ayurvedic Yogamassage – Ayurvedic massage & yoga based poses, stimulates the body to regain its natural health and vitality with an increased movability. It is conducted on the floor using both hands and feet. A small amount of oil is used to warm up the body before the supported poses. A full body treatment takes approx 80-90 minutes. (Axelsons – diploma)