Jennifer Chang
Jennifer is always in awe of the Body with all of its layers and innate potential. Her teachings incorporate personal experience and knowledge drawn from all of her trainings to facilitate physical and energetic alignment towards a state of homeostasis. Sattva. Jennifer enjoys combining the effectiveness of the more vigorous Vinyasa and the quieter Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga to create a unique practice that works to release fascial, mental, and emotional tension, promote flexibility, focus the mind, and calm the nervous system. She loves witnessing her new students experience these benefits for the first time in her class. Each practice ends with a brief meditation through which Jennifer guides her students to tap into an inner calm—a resource that, with consistent practice, could be accessible off the mat for easeful living. Welcome to class!
Certifications: 500hr ISTHA Yoga Teacher - with Advanced certificates in:
Yin Yoga
Restorative Yoga
Yoga Nidra
ISHTA Master Program Board Certified Polarity Therapy Practitioner
Board Certified Occupational Therapist
Certified Neuro-Developmental Treatment Provider