Thai Massage with Susan Ingraham

β€œAn ancient Asian healing practice that combines elements of applying supported gentle yoga stretching and acupressure techniques. In a one-to-one session, you will wear full, comfortable, and loose clothing while resting on a soft mat on the floor. No oils or creams are needed when you are receiving therapeutic hands-on, mindful manipulations. You will be the passive recipient while I apply gentle pressure in a rhythmic kneading-like movement across the whole body with the uses of of my palms, thumbs, fingers, feet, and elbows.

Encouraging deep relaxation, and yogic breathing as I work across your body opening energy lines, you may be effortlessly positioned in a combination of lying on your back, belly, side-lying, inverted, and seated with various assisted stretches and yoga postures.

Thai Yoga Bodywork is highly adaptable, suitable for many chronic conditions, and attunes to your personal needs for your health and well-being. Some of the therapeutic and transformational benefits include released tension held in muscles, joints, and connective tissue, exploration of range-of-motion, encouraging circulation, lymphatic drainage, and toning internal organs.”

-Susan Ingraham