A practice designed to release any heaviness in our bodies and minds, to lift our energy and expand our consciousness.
In the Ayurvedic system, we are made up of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. We each have our own unique mix of these elements. Disease is caused when there is an imbalance in the mix of these elements. In winter and spring the earth and water element within us tend to increase creating a Kapha condition, which can manifest as feeling sluggish and depressed and less forgiving of ourselves and others. Kapha conditions can also manifest as congestion in the lungs and other mucus related illnesses.
This workshop is designed to help alleviate any excess heaviness and stagnation in the body and mind. The gentle asanas and restorative poses selected will help to open our hearts and lift our energy and spirits. We will use pranayama to release toxins from our lungs, increase prana in our systems and calm our nervous system and our minds. We will use visualization to relax the body and release emotions that are weighing us down. The practice will end with a thirty to forty-minute long yoga nidra designed to lift our spirits, expand our consciousness and feel a oneness with the world around.
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