In-studio and Online
This workshop filled with yummy restorative poses, cooling pranayama, relaxing visuals, healing sound and a deliciously long yoga nidra will help you release excess heat and surrender into a deep state of relaxation.
This practice is designed to help cool you down when you're feeling physically, mentally and emotionally overheated or on overdrive. In Ayurveda we say we are made up of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. In the summer our fire element is often out of balance causing us to be more easily irritable, more controlling of life and less able to surrender. In this workshop we will use asana, pranayama, kriya techniques, visualization, restorative poses and yoga nidra, all specially selected to release excess heat from your body, breath, mind and subtle body so you can experience inner peace and stillness.
We will begin with gentle asana and pranayama to release heat from the abdomen where excess fire accumulates. We will then recline on bolsters, and will use cooling essential oils with gentle hands on adjustments to release heat from fascia and tense muscles and induce a state of deep surrender.
The practice will end with a forty minute long yoga nidra. All nine steps of the yoga nidra will help you surrender into stillness and experience an expanded state of awareness.